Montag, 1. März 2010

EventBus and MVP

At last years Google IO Ray Ryan presented a collection of architecture recommendations for GWT applications based on what the team found best practices when developing the new AdWords application at Google. This guy took the effort to transcribe the complete presentation and even included all the slides.

The presented technologies were: MVP, Display Interface and EventBus.

Now Google has published a new introductory article covering everything mentioned in Ray's presentation and a lot more.

This is a must-read for every developer who wants to seriously proceed with GWT application development :Large scale application development and MVP

Montag, 1. Februar 2010

Dependency Injection - What ist that good for and how do I use it?

Dependency injection has become quite popular in recent years. The basic principle behind it is useful, simple and straightforward. Here we go:

The problem: tightly coupled objects

Let's suppose we want to create a simple calendar application. You want the flexibility of the calendar events either to be stored in a database on a remote server or locally in a text file. The simplified class-structure could look like this:

public interface CalendarEntries {

public class EntriesInDatabase implements CalendarEntries {

public class EntriesInLocalFile implements CalendarEntries {

Now we can implement our Calendar-Class like this:

public class Calendar {
private EntriesInDatabase calendarEntries;

or, following the paradigm of "program to an interface, not an implementation" we could use this code:

public class Calendar {
private CalendarEntries calendarEntries = new EntriesInDatabase();

Both solutions have the calendar-class tightly coupled to the entries-class. This resulting in the issue that if you want to use entries from another source, you have to change the code of the calendar class!

Why is tight coupling a problem?

Tight coupling is not a problem in general as long as you work on a small project in an environment completely controlled by one developer. As soon as a team is involved or unit testing is necessary, the tight coupling could become a huge issue soon.

Solution 1: constructor based injection

This is so simple that I can hear your "thats all?" moaning already: we just let the constructing object decide, which CalendarEntries implementation to use. The Calendar-class will use whatever it gets at construction time:

public class Calendar {
private CalendarEntries calendarEntries;

public Calendar(CalendarEntries entries) {
this.calendarEntries = entries;


To use the calendar-class we call it like this:

public class TestCalendar {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Calendar myServerCalendar = new Calendar(new EntriesInDatabase());
Calendar myLocalCalendar = new Calendar(new EntriesInLocalFile());

Solution 2: setter based injection

Instead of directly in the constructor the data source could also be set in a setter-method. The underlying principle is basically the same:

public class Calendar {
private CalendarEntries calendarEntries;

public void setCalendarEntries(CalendarEntries entries) {
this.calendarEntries = entries;


And it would be used like this:

public class TestCalendar {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Calendar myServerCalendar = new Calendar();
myServerCalendar.setCalendarEntries(new EntriesInDatabase());

Calendar myLocalCalendar = new Calendar();
myLocalCalendar.setCalendarEntries(new EntriesInLocalFile());